Theatergroup Domino – The Bells of Leyden sing
Genre: Cultural
Marktsteeg 1
2312 CS Leiden

The performance by Theatergroep Domino in the Hortus botanicus has been canceled. In September it will be examined whether this performance can still be played at a later date.
Domino is a theatergroup for people with a disability. On the 27th of juni, Domino will perform (in Dutch) the grand show ‘The Bells of Leyden sing’ in the Hortus botanicus.
The performance will be down by 15 actors.
The production tells the history of the Pilgrims in Leiden in a nutshell, centralizing the interaction between the Pilgrims and the people of Leiden. How was the interaction between the religious puritans and the free-spirited Leidenaren? ‘The Bells of Leyden sing’ is a powerful story on loss of faith and self-respect and the fear that follows this exchange.
Domino will perform the production of HEIMWEE in the fall.
For more information visit the website.