Pilgrimgirl – An opera by Intorno
June 20, 2020
End: June 20, 2020Genre: Cultural
Pieterskerkstraat 1
2311 SV Leiden

It is Thanksgiving and you witness a festive dinner party. Around the table a family of the Pilgrims colony in Deerfield. They celebrate Thanksgiving with a good meal. But before their arrival in Deerfield the members of the family have experienced quite a lot. What has those past years done to them?
The family consist of father, mother and daughter Rosa. Rosa is a defiant girl. She is very critical on the fanatic religious beliefs of her parents. Her thoughts and behavior come to an outburst over dinner. This will not go well, the dinner party ends in a disturbed family relationship.
The festive dinner party alternates with flashbacks. Each flashback shows important events in the recent family’s life: their stay in Holland, the journey with the legendary Mayflower and their arrival in the colony in Deerfield.
On the background we hear Indian singing during the acts.
As the dinner party ends in sorrow, the Indian texts develop from elegy to hope for a better future.
A remarkable new opera that reveals a famous part of Dutch-American history.
Note: the libretto is in Dutch.
Bauwien van der Meer, Rosa
Wiebke Göetjes, mother
Michel Poels, father
Ekatarina Willems-Tarakonova, piano
Helena Sokolova, violin
Ania Katynska, cello
Director: Bert Schuiling
Libretto: Arie Vuyk
Composer: Marco Kalkman
Producer: INTORNO
Vrijdag 12 juni, 20.00 uur, Texel
Zondag 14 juni, 15.00 uur, Amsterdam
Zaterdag 20 juni, 20.00 uur, Leiden, Lokhorstkerk, Pieterskerkstraat 1
Zondag 21 juni, 15.00 uur, Haarlem
Zaterdag 27 juni, 20.00 uur, Rotterdam
Zondag 28 juni, 20.00 uur, Rotterdam
More information and tickets via www.intorno.nl