Update events Leiden400
Genre: Cultural

In recent years, we have worked long and hard to create a broad and in-depth commemoration programme. Due to the corona virus we are currently discussing alternative dates for the numerous programming. Some programming might take place in a different form.
It is a difficult and uncertain time for the partners who are dependent on public visitors, and, on behalf of the organization of Leiden400, we express our support to those who has been affected – personally or business - by this crisis.
We would like to emphasize that the commemoration year is more than live events. In recent years we have built sustainable international relations with institutions, our target audience and media that will last beyond 2020. One of the main goals has always been to supply the traditional ‘pilgrim story’ with new relevant perspectives that were previously underexposed, such as the Leiden history, but above all the effects of the journey on the indigenous people of America.
Due to a divers, (international) educative programming and exchanges between the United Kingdom and the United States, the crisis will not affect the impact of our collective efforts.
In the coming months, we will work hard to adapt to this new reality and we will make sure that all the effort, time, energy and investments we have put into the last four years will still make a long-term impact.
We wish everyone to stay safe and healthy during the coming period.
On behalf of the entire Leiden400 organisation,
Michaël Roumen and Marlijn Kok
Leiden400 earlier decided to reschedule the opening of the 27th of March due to COVID-19 virus and the advice of the RIVM.
In the coming days, we will be talking to all concerned partners to decide on a new date for this public event. This involves the locations that would be open free of charge, the tour guides, the speakers, the musical organization and many others.
Naturally, we will follow the development of the virus and the advice of RIVM closely.
We will publish the new date as soon as we can.
Concerning all other programming and events that are planned for the commemoration year, please keep a close eye on our website, and those of our partners, for more information.