National DNA Day
Genre: Cultural
Heritage and history
Education and exchange
Nieuwstraat 20
2312 KC Leiden
Nieuwstraat 4
2312KB Leiden

This activity was originally scheduled for Saturday, April 25, but has unfortunately been canceled.
Migrants, as the Pilgrims were, are inextricably linked to the history of the Netherlands (and Leiden in particular). Especially in the 16th and 17th centuries the Netherlands attracted many migrants due to the economic prosperity and the tolerant attitude towards different religions.
How do the Pilgrims fit into the larger story of migration throughout human history?
And what does DNA tell us?
With DNA we can not only learn something about the past. We can also learn something about migration & Leiden in 2020. Not only that, a DNA test can tell something about yourself, about your past and possibly something about your future too. Are you curious and do you want to know more?
BplusC, Heritage Leiden and LeveDNA! have put together an interactive and educational family day: with lectures on DNA, various DNA activities (isolate your own DNA and multiple DNA games), workshops and much more. Learn more about migration, the Pilgrims, about the DNA-world and ... about yourself!