Illuminate Thanksgiving Plymouth US
Genre: (Inter)national partners

Due to COVID-19 this event is changed:
Illuminate Thanksgiving 2020, November 20 - 25: this annual tradition will be held as a virtual event with partners from four nations; the Netherlands, UK and Wampanoag tribes. Plymouth International Chorus, Plymouth UK and US public schools, One Small Candle award recipients, interviews, and performances will be included. Programming will be held during Thanksgiving week 2020. NBC10 and PACTV will facilitate the production and broadcast the virtual event. Depending upon public health data and guidelines at that time, some elements of Illuminate Thanksgiving, such as the Procession of Lights, may be held as a limited and appropriately distanced event.
The Lights Parade / Illuminate has been canceled. As many events in the UK and US, including Illuminate, have been moved to 2021, we are looking into whether this light festival can take place in Leiden in 2021 in order to be part of a joint international moment.
Original plans:
A series of events leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday promotes gratitude and giving. These youth-oriented events are designed to create an inspirational atmosphere anywhere that people gather, to stimulate gratitude and giving in communities, groups, and families. Based upon Governor William Bradford’s quote:
“…as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone to many…”
The One Small Candle Award is given to an individual who has made a difference in many lives at a young age.
2020 Schedule:
November 20: America’s Hometown Thanksgiving Concerts
November 21: America’s Hometown Thanksgiving Parade
November 22: Illuminate Thanksgiving Festival: “One Small Candle” Ceremony
November 23 & 24: Thanksgiving Festival Events
November 25: Illuminate Thanksgiving Main Event